
Traumstraße der Welt - Panamericana 2018 - 2019

March 2018

Finally the time has come!

Our tour, which has been planned for 3 1/2 years, is imminent. In May our motorhome will be shipped to Halifax and 14 days later we will fly there.
First we will travel across Canada - with a detour to New York - then up to Alaska to Prudhoe Bay and from there the Panamericana southwards with many detours.
At least that's the plan - and time doesn't matter this time. You are welcome to join us on our website.

A big thank you to all motorhome drivers who have already traveled the Panamericana and who gave valuable tips on their websites!

Below is a list of the travel reports.
The information on it is very valuable Panamericana infowhich are continuously updated.

We expected that problems would arise along the way. But that the problems start before the trip ...








noch 25 Tage bis Verschiffung

noch 19 Tage

noch 17 Tage

noch 14 Tage

noch 13 Tage

noch 12 Tage

noch 11 Tage

noch 10 Tage

noch 9 Tage
Tüv - alles okay, aber es tritt an einer Stelle Öl aus, sollte geprüft werden.

Werkstatt gefunden, die Kompression prüfen kann

Werkstatt: Prüfgerät defekt, neues besorgt

3 Düsen geprüft, 4. Düse geht nicht raus. Austauschzylinderkopf muss her

Werkstatt hat Probleme mit der Teilenummer

Werkstatt hat Instandsetzer gefunden, der prüft, ob er das Teil im Austausch hat. Wenn ja, kann es Freitag abgeholt werden.

Instandsetzer hat Zylinderkopf und der kann auch schon abgeholt werden. Reinhard fährt 500km hin und 500km zurück und bringt den Zylinderkopf mit.

Zylinderkopf zur Werkstatt gebracht

Anruf bei Werkstatt. Alles klar, Montag Nachmittag ist der Wagen fertig. Kurze Zeit später Anruf von Werkstatt: Probleme, kommen sie doch bitte vorbei. Eine Delle in der Lauffläche im Zylinderblock und darin ein Riss.
The ground is being pulled from under our feet! Everything was ready, flight booked, train tickets, hotel ... and now? Everything at the beginning!

Hotel has been canceled, shipping postponed indefinitely. Train tickets expire. We do not know if and when we will get a replacement for the cylinder block or exchange engine.

May 8th, 2018 - Day 0 - Today the car should be handed in in Hamburg.

Current status: engine at the repair shop, we'll get the car back next week. New travel date: shipment in early June, flight in late June.

05/17/2018 - We have the motorhome back !!!

06/25/2018 - Our motorhome is just outside Halifax and should arrive there tomorrow.
I said goodbye to my great work colleagues from ERKRATHER TAFEL.

It's great when you have a family who secretly organizes a farewell party! The youngest son had the idea, the older son came back from Bremen, the daughter organized the party and my mother took over the costs. Everyone for it: Thank you very much, you are great!

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