Guatemala Stellplätze

1. Huehuetenango
Hotel Fuente Real
150 GTQ (€ 16.92)
Water, toilets, showers, WiFi, restaurant
GPS 15.292251 -91.485576
Parking behind the hotel, hotel facilities may be used.
2. Panajachel /Atitlán-See
Hotel Tzanajuyu Bay
150 GTQ (16,92€)
Strom, Wasser, Toiletten u. Duschen im Hotel, WiFi im Hotel
GPS 14.743749 -91.16342
Sehr schöner Stellplatz auf Wiese mit Blick auf den See und 3 Vulkane
3. Antigua
Camping der Policía de Turismo
kostenlos, Wasser, ansonsten keine Versorgung
GPS 14.555307 -90.739661
4. Quiriguá
free of charge in the parking lot (locked at night)
Toilets, no WiFi
GPS 15.273865 -89.041755
nice place, but a bit noisy due to the plantation trucks (it was quiet at night)
5. Parque Nacional Río Dulce
Ram Marina
75 GTQ (€ 8.55)
Water, electricity, hot showers, WiFi
GPS 15.65609 -88.99366
6. Poptun
Finca Ixobel
40 GTQ p. P., electricity 25 GTQ (total 105 GTQ = € 11.96)
Water, electricity, toilets, showers, restaurant, WiFi at the hotel
GPS 16.304145 -89.421817
7. Tikal
Toiletten, Duschen
GPS 17.224876 -89.61041 
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