9.10.10In Leipzig we have our mobile home on the first parking space stowed away. The lady at the checkout was very nice and was worried about our bikes, as some of them get lost at night. She assigned us a place where our bikes were pretty hidden. In addition, we were covered with brochures.
After we had connected our motorhome to the adventurous power supply, we went the short way into the city center.
- As Leipzig did not require an environmental badge in 2010, the central parking space was accessible to everyone. Now they even ask for a green sticker, which hardly a motorhome can show. -
First we strolled through the pedestrian passage to Nikolaikirche.
October 9th - what a historic day. Exactly 21 years ago tens of thousands of people stood right here to demonstrate for their freedom.
Our next goal was that railway station- Europe's largest terminus. With a width of almost 300m, it is an imposing building. It gets interesting inside. With 140 shops and a flair that is more reminiscent of an airport, we were particularly impressed by how clean it was. The impression is of course reinforced by the fact that the tracks do not pass through.
Die Alte Handelsbörse (1678) wollten wir auf jeden Fall sehen. Sie ist sehr hübsch wirkt aber an der Stelle völlig deplatziert.
Weiter ging es zum alten Rathaus (1556) und zu Bartels Hof. Durch das barocke Durchgangshaus gelangt man in eine nette Passage mit Café.
We were slowly getting hungry. Auerbach's Cellarwas of course a MUST for us! Once to where Goethe wrote his Faust.
In the Mädlerpassage, in which Auerbach's cellar is located, there are statues from Goethe's Faust.
We caught one of the last free tables. Those who came after us had to show a reservation. The food was served relatively quickly. Even if it is highly praised on the Internet - we have already dined better.
10.10.10 Bevor wir nach Dresden aufbrachen wollten wir uns den Bayerischen Bahnhof ansehen. Leider war hier gerade eine Baustelle und der ganze Bahnhof eingezäunt. Das Interessante an ihm ist, dass der kpl. Bahnhof um 30m versetzt wurde, um dem City-Tunnel Platz zu machen
Wir fuhren noch zum Völkerschlachtdenkmal. (1858-1916)
Es erinnert an die Völkerschlacht 1813 und die Niederlage Napoléons. Mit seinen 91m Höhe ist es ein beeindruckendes Monument.