Mexiko Stellplätze

1. La Bufadora
Centro Recreativa Mi Refugio 
100 Peso (4,32€) pro Tag ohne Strom, kpl. Versorgung möglich.
N 31.69837 W 116.63508
Hübscher Platz an einer Lagune. Stellplätze mit Blick auf das Wasser. 
2. Bahia San Quintin
El Pabellón RV-Park
200 Peso (8,70€) Full Hook-up, incl. Duschen
GPS N30.373846 W115.867783
Platz direkt am Strand. Gutes Restaurant in der Nähe.
3. Bahia de los Angeles
Campingplatz Dagget’s
300 Peso (13,04€)
Ohne Strom, kpl. Versorgung möglich, incl. Duschen
N28.975468 W113.54675
Zu teuer für einen Stellplatz ohne Strom.
4. Guerrero Negro
Hotel and RV Park Malarrimo
186 Peso (€ 8.09) full hook-up incl. Showers, WiFi
N27.968081 W114.030221
The showers are hot and clean. Electricity for hair dryer available.
5. Laguna San Ignacio
Free at the Laguna, no supply, no WiFi, no cell phone network
GPS N26.821778 W113.17989
6. Bahia Concepcion
Playa Santispac
200 Peso (8,62€), Duschen kalt, Dumping, kein Strom, kein WiFi, kein Handynetz, Restaurant
Der Platz liegt schön
7. Juncalito Beach
Free, no supply, no WiFi
GPS N25.830972 W111.324541
(Access: do not drive into town, but take the next junction south)
8. El Conejo
On the beach in the dunes
No supply, no WiFi, weak cell phone network
GPS N24.07005 W111.00191
Many parking spaces in the dunes
9. La Paz
Camp Maranatha
300 Peso ohne Versorgung (12,96€), 500 Peso Full Hook-up (21,61€), Duschen, WiFi, Waschmaschinen
GPS N24.097893 W110.387178 
Sehr schöner, gepflegter Platz, gute Duschen, nah an der Straße  
10. Todos Santos
Am Strand
Kostenlos, Keine Versorgung, kein WiFi
GPS N23.463538 W110.255797
Nur Allrad!
11. San Jose del Cabo
Weiter nördlich an der Camino Cabo Este
Am Strand
Kostenlos, keine Versorgung, kein WiFi, kein Netz
GPS N23.174297 W109.477743
Nur Allrad!
12. La Ribera
Am Strand
Kostenlos, Toiletten, kein WiFi
GPS N23.599302 W109.572481
Allrad von Vorteil!
13. Parque El Tecuan
kostenlos, keine Versorgung, kein WiFi
GPS 23.90456 -105.02904
zu unsicher, direkt an der Straße 
14. Parque Nacional Sierra de Organos
40 Peso pp / p. Day (1.72 €)
Toilets, no WiFi, no network
GPS 23.784444 -103.79923
In the middle of nature, very beautiful!
15. Zacatecas
Hotel Hacienda Baruk
450 Peso (19,45€) Full-Hookup. Saubere Duschen, WiFi
GPS 22.774027 -102.61997
Sehr nah an einer vielbefahrenen Straße und Bahnlinie. Laut! 
16. At Mex 110
Buenos Aires restaurant
free, no supply
GPS 21.167707 -101.001415
17. San Miguel de Allende
San Miguel RV Park
350 Peso / day (15.17 €) full hook-up, showers, WiFi
GPS 20.90699 -100.749118
Nice place, walking distance to the center, quiet
18. Querétaro
Hotel Flamingo Inn
500 Peso (21.66), electricity, water, dumping (ask), WiFi, showers, pool
GPS 20.58115 -100.39906
Too expensive, but within walking distance of the old town
19. Bernal
Hotel Quinta Mirador
150 Peso pp / day = 300 Peso (€ 13.11)
Storm, showers, water, WiFi, small pool
GPS 20.74257 -99.938516
nice place with a good view
20. Tolantongo
140 Peso pp / day 20 Peso for the car (overnight stay = 2 days in the park) = 280 Peso x 2 20 = 580 Peso (25.45 €)
Toilets, shared showers, no WiFi, restaurants
GPS 20.651537 -98.99899
The river is gorgeous.
21. San Juan Teotihuacan
Trailer Park
290 Peso full hookup, showers, WiFi
GPS 19.683003 -98.870512
Very nice owner who speaks good English.
22. Tlaxcala
La Trinidad
170 Peso, (7.43 €) showers, WiFi at the hotel, electricity in the washroom, pools
GPS 19.361262 -98.15414
23. Cholula / Puebla
Trailer Park Las Americas
300 Peso (€ 13.11) Full Hook-up, Duschen, WiFi
GPS 19.07213 -98.29542
24. Zapotitlán de Salinas
300 Peso (13,23€), Toiletten, Duschen, kein WiFi
GPS 18.32754 -97.454521
Traumhaft schöner Platz inmitten der Kakteenlandschaft.
25. Near Oaxaca / Lachigolo
Oaxaca Campground
275 Peso (€ 12.13), electricity and water, showers, dumping costs 50 Peso extra
GPS 17.030642 -96.598319
Very nice owners, big space, bus to Oaxaca nearby
26. San Lucas el Vidrio
Pemex gas station, free, toilets, restaurants
GPS 16.250899 -97.152589
27. Zipolite
Restaurant & Cabaňas
75 Peso p.P. (150 Peso = 6,67€)
Toliletten, Dusche (wahrscheinlich kalt)
GPS 15.662129 -96.510743
28. At Santiago Astata
Restaurant, no supply, no WiFi, water possibly from the well
GPS 15.947941 -95.582118
29. Tuxtla Gutierrez
La Hacienda hotel and RV park
250 Peso (€ 11.07), electricity, water, showers, WiFi
GPS 16.755442 -93.141926
Quite nice place, but close to the road
30. San Christobal De Las Casas
Rancho San Nicolás
150 Peso pp (= 300 Peso = € 13.47)
Full hookup on site, showers, WiFi
close to the city
GPS 16.733788 -92.621899
31. Toniná
Centro Ecoturistico Kayab
100 Peso (€ 4.52), toilets, water, showers, no WiFi
GPS 16.89805 -92.00263
Space is okay, but very sloping
32. Agua Azul
Am Ende des Weges bei zu vermietenden Cabaňas
50 Peso p.Person (=100 Peso = 4,52€)
Keine Versorgung, kein WiFi (in den Restaurants mit Passwort)
GPS 17.25857 -92.11434
nicht der schönste Platz, aber besser, als auf dem Parkplatz 
33. Palenque
Maya Bell Campgound
350 Peso Full-Hookup (15,80€) 250 Peso ohne Strom, Duschen, WiFi, Pool
GPS 17.48745 -92.037995
34. Frontera Corozal
Escudo Jaguar
100 Peso (4,52), incl. Strom, Duschen (fragen und Schlüssel geben lassen), Pool, Restaurant, WiFi
GPS 16.822574 -90.885029
35. Las Guacamayas
Campsite 150 pesos (€ 6.77). The regular price is 100 pesos, she probably added the rest for the power cable. But it's okay., Toilets, showers, water, no WiFi
GPS 16.255829 -90.861707
36. Cascadas del Paraiso Escondido
40 peso p. P. (= 80 Peso = € 3.61)
Toilets, showers, water, WiFi doesn't work
GPS 16.205165 -91.325448
37. Lago Tziscao
Cabaňas Fronterizo del Valle Tziscao
80 Peso p. P. (=160 Peso = 7,29€), heiße Duschen, Toiletten, gutes WiFi
GPS 16.082214 -91.673317 
38. Lagos de Colon
El Pececito Nadador
50 Peso (2.28) toilets, electricity
GPS 15.825556 -91.895013
Very friendly and helpful - nothing for even larger motorhomes.
39. Chetumal
Yax Ha Resort
350 Peso (je nach Größe des Fahrzeugs. Unseres wurde als klein eingestuft).
Strom, Wasser, Dumping, WiFi, Pool, Laundry
GPS 18.561202 -88.249472
Toller Platz unter Palmen direkt an der Karibik.  
40. Xpu-Ha
Campground Mundo Chalio
300 pesos (€ 13.72) 20 pesos WiFi
Electricity, dumping, water (no drinking water, slightly salty), showers, WiFi
GPS 20.47235 -87.25848
Just a few steps to the beach, German owners, very helpful
41. Cenote Suytun
Cabaňas Suytún
250 Peso (11,43€) + Strom 100 Peso (4,57), Wasser, Duschen (kalt), WiFi, Pool, Restaurant – Der Preis beinhaltet den Eintritt zur Cenote!
GPS 20.69777 -88.125395
hübsche Anlage mit bunten Cabaňas, nur ein paar Schritte zur Cenote
42nd runway
Hotel Piramide Inn
200 Peso 50 Peso electricity, (9.18 € 2.30 €) water possibly on request, pool, WiFi is too weak
GPS 20.693128 -88.582637
loud, in front of the hotel on the street, but within walking distance of the ruins
43. Celestun
Villas del mar
200 Peso, (9.21 €) showers, toilets, (electricity and drinking water cost extra)
GPS 20.853893 -90.401682
Just a few meters to the beach, owner is very nice. From here tours to the flamingos
44. Campeche
Bewachter Parkplatz
100 Peso/ 24 Stunden, (4,60€) Toiletten (nach Schlüssel fragen), kein WiFi
GPS 19.84668 -90.53835
Für eine Stadtbesichtigung perfekter Standort
45. Laguna de Terminos
Isla de Aguada,
Freedom Shores Hotel und RV-Park
400 Peso , (18,41) Full Hook-up, heiße Duschen, WiFi nur am Office
GPS 18.78243 -91.4944 
Schöner Stellplatz, aber die Einheimischen nutzen den Strand natürlich auch und das ist nicht leise!
46. Villahermosa
Balneario el Gordo y San Pancho
250 Peso (11,51€), Strom, Wasser, Schwimmbad, Duschen, Toiletten
GPS 17.983282 -93.046743 
ruhig und angenehm
47. Catemaco
Hotel Tepetapan & RV-Park
200 Peso (9,23€), Strom, Wasser, Dumping, WiFi, Toiletten, Duschen, Pool
GPS 18.41889 -95.12139
Netter Platz mit kpl. Versorgung
48. Veracruz/ Anton Lizardo
Coco Aventura RV Park
400 Peso (18,52€), Bei 6 Tagen 5 Tage zahlen und 1 kostenlos
Wasser, Strom, Dumping, WiFi, Duschen, Pool
GPS 19.055358 -96.012994
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