100 Peso (€ 4.52), toilets, water, showers, no WiFi
GPS 16.89805 -92.00263
Space is okay, but very sloping
32. Agua Azul
Am Ende des Weges bei zu vermietenden Cabaňas
50 Peso p.Person (=100 Peso = 4,52€)
Keine Versorgung, kein WiFi (in den Restaurants mit Passwort)
GPS 17.25857 -92.11434
nicht der schönste Platz, aber besser, als auf dem Parkplatz
33. Palenque
Maya Bell Campgound
350 Peso Full-Hookup (15,80€) 250 Peso ohne Strom, Duschen, WiFi, Pool
GPS 17.48745 -92.037995
34. Frontera Corozal
Escudo Jaguar
100 Peso (4,52), incl. Strom, Duschen (fragen und Schlüssel geben lassen), Pool, Restaurant, WiFi
GPS 16.822574 -90.885029
35. Las Guacamayas
Campsite 150 pesos (€ 6.77). The regular price is 100 pesos, she probably added the rest for the power cable. But it's okay., Toilets, showers, water, no WiFi
GPS 16.255829 -90.861707
36. Cascadas del Paraiso Escondido
40 peso p. P. (= 80 Peso = € 3.61)
Toilets, showers, water, WiFi doesn't work
GPS 16.205165 -91.325448
37. Lago Tziscao
Cabaňas Fronterizo del Valle Tziscao
80 Peso p. P. (=160 Peso = 7,29€), heiße Duschen, Toiletten, gutes WiFi
GPS 16.082214 -91.673317
38. Lagos de Colon
El Pececito Nadador
50 Peso (2.28) toilets, electricity
GPS 15.825556 -91.895013
Very friendly and helpful - nothing for even larger motorhomes.
39. Chetumal
Yax Ha Resort
350 Peso (je nach Größe des Fahrzeugs. Unseres wurde als klein eingestuft).
Strom, Wasser, Dumping, WiFi, Pool, Laundry
GPS 18.561202 -88.249472
Toller Platz unter Palmen direkt an der Karibik.
40. Xpu-Ha
Campground Mundo Chalio
300 pesos (€ 13.72) 20 pesos WiFi
Electricity, dumping, water (no drinking water, slightly salty), showers, WiFi
GPS 20.47235 -87.25848
Just a few steps to the beach, German owners, very helpful
41. Cenote Suytun
Cabaňas Suytún
250 Peso (11,43€) + Strom 100 Peso (4,57), Wasser, Duschen (kalt), WiFi, Pool, Restaurant – Der Preis beinhaltet den Eintritt zur Cenote!
GPS 20.69777 -88.125395
hübsche Anlage mit bunten Cabaňas, nur ein paar Schritte zur Cenote
42nd runway
Hotel Piramide Inn
200 Peso 50 Peso electricity, (9.18 € 2.30 €) water possibly on request, pool, WiFi is too weak
GPS 20.693128 -88.582637
loud, in front of the hotel on the street, but within walking distance of the ruins
43. Celestun
Villas del mar
200 Peso, (9.21 €) showers, toilets, (electricity and drinking water cost extra)
GPS 20.853893 -90.401682
Just a few meters to the beach, owner is very nice. From here tours to the flamingos