Dunrobin Castle
Der Himmel ist wieder einmal bedeckt. Ohne den Ginster und Besenginster, die überall wachsen, wäre es ein recht farbloser Morgen.
We arrive shortly before 10 a.m.
Dunrobin Castle
KW10 6SF. We'll have to wait a few minutes for it to open.
Leider zählt das Schloss nicht zu den für uns kostenlosen Schlössern. Eintritt 10,50 GBP p/P. Aber das Schloss gefällt mir sehr gut. Nicht nur, dass es eingerichtet ist, die Tische sind eingedeckt und überall stehen Vasen mit frische Blumen, oftmals an die Farbe des Raumes angepasst. Im Kinderzimmer gibt es altes Spielzeug. In fast jedem Raum steht Personal zur Beantwortung von Fragen (und um den Besuchern auf die Finger zu schauen :-)). Fotos sind leider nicht erlaubt.
Wir lassen uns ca. 3/4 Stunde Zeit. Inzwischen sind Reisebusse angekommen und es wird entsprechend voll, so dass wir uns in den Garten zurückziehen.
Beeindruckend ist vor allem der Riesen-Rhabarber.
We drive on and enjoy the landscape despite the uncomfortable weather
Grey Cairns of Camster
First the road leads along the coast, then we take the junction to the 5,000 year old
58 ° 22 ′ 45.48 ″ N, 3 ° 15 ′ 58.32 ″ W.
This single road track is very narrow and we meet sheep again and again. But they are very well educated. You are not scared, but leisurely clear the field or the road. In order to "watch out for the road and the sheep", we first drive past the graves without seeing them. We notice it very quickly, but turning is not possible here.
At some point the opportunity arises and we drive back about 1.5 km.
When we want to drive on, our mobile home is surrounded by sheep. Reinhard has to honk briefly, then they trudge away. Only the little one here has probably lost sight of mom and before it does anything wrong, it prefers to stop.
At the entrance to Wick, we come across Lidl and fill up our supplies. We cross the Wick River on the same road. Then turn left twice and we are in a parking lot.
We stroll a little through the place, but it doesn't appeal to us. After a cup of coffee and a piece of cake, we drive on. We haven't even taken a photo.
Stacks of Duncansby
Bei John o'Groats zweigen wir ab Richtung
Duncansby Head
KW1 4YS. Hier endet die Straße an einem kleinen Parkplatz und es geht querfeldein zu den Stacks.
We first head for the campsite in Dunnet Bay, which is located directly on the A 836. But it is already full, although it is only 4.30 p.m.
Another 14km on the road we land in Thurso. There is still something free on the campsite and Lidl is directly opposite.
We notice that our refrigerator has said goodbye. He doesn't want anymore. That means we have to shop every day now. It's good that it's not that hot.
The weather has held up well, except for the brief rain in the morning.