
München - 30.09.08

There was a good reason why we didn't go to the Munich campsite - Oktoberfest was in full swing!

Drive to Tutzing with the mobile home and parked there. From there we took the S-Bahn to Munich and visited the German Museum.

Of course, we could now post pictures from the museum up to the point. This is not done at this point.

However, I was particularly fond of one object. Especially through the story behind it.

This plane was built in what was then the GDR itself and a family of five wanted to flee with it. Unfortunately they didn't make it and later had to be ransomed.

-Unfortunately, I can no longer tell the story more precisely today. The text on our old website "Travel-See-Experience" was created in May 2011 and the trip was already 3 years ago. Well, my memory ... :-).

Munich - 1.10.08

Visit to the Bavaria film studios including a visit to the 4D cinema. With or without children - it's an experience! The cinema was the most sustainable. (The 4th dimension is movement, by the way). You can no longer escape the film, you are right in the middle of it.

In addition to the backdrop of a soap, the Asterix village could be visited, the backdrop from "Die wilden Kerle", props from "The Neverending Story" and the submarine replica from the film "Das Boot" and much more. This range of backdrops changes over time.

Of course, a few tricks were revealed while filming.

Wir fuhren weiter bis Regensburg und übernachteten auf einem Campingplatz.

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