Gullfoss / Kerið-Krater / Geysir / Hveragerði

Gullfoss / Kerið-Krater / Geysir / Hveragerði

173 km

We had hoped to be able to hike here, but only paths through the stone desert are available. Maybe we would have better gone to Kerlingarfjöll, which can also be reached from the highland piste. On the other hand, I really wanted to go through this thermal area in Hveravellir.

Anyway, now we're going back to Gullfoss.

The slope looks like this today:
... and then our motorhome like this:
The Gullfoss
Somebody unnecessarily left this note on the motorhome:
The geyser area at 35 is only 15km away from Gullfoss. In the meantime the weather has changed again and we now have blue skies.

In front of the Strokkur, the active geyser, people stand with their cameras drawn to capture an ejection. We will of course join them. :-)
An der nächsten Tankstelle wird erst einmal vollgetankt. Auch den Waschplatz der Tankstelle nehmen wir in Anspruch. Waschplätze gibt es an den meisten Tankstellen. Sie sind in der Regel kostenfrei. 

Es geht weiter über die 35 zum Kerið-Krater. Zum 1. Mal zahlen wir eine geringe Gebühr für den Zutritt. 250 ISK = ca. 1,50€ pro Person.

Der Krater ist 55m tief und die Wassertiefe schwankt zwischen 7 und 14m.
To our last destination of the day, we first continue on the 35, to the ring road and from there to the campsite in Hveragerði.

The place is nice and offers free internet. But we have no reception on our pitch. You probably have to sit down next to the reception.

The showers are also free and since the only shower for women is free at the moment, I take the opportunity. Then we stroll through the town.

First of all, we notice how green it is here. Then the many greenhouses catch the eye. They are heated with geothermal energy. This is a high temperature area and there are small vents everywhere to let the pressure off.
Gewächshäuser in Hveragerði

Mitten im Ort kann man das Hochtemperaturgebiet besichtigen. Für 200 ISK p.P. (1,20€) lassen wir uns das nicht entgehen.
In addition to a small park, there is also a waterfall to visit.
After dinner we go again. This time we choose a small tour that goes past meadows, a stream, greenhouses and the university. Everywhere there is steam and hissing from the floor, so that we turn around more than once to see what is noises behind us.
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