Today we want to go to the Selisoo hiking trail. We drive north from the campsite until we come across the 3. At Iisaku we turn onto the 155 and shortly afterwards onto the 151 towards Metsküla or Mäetaguse. After about 10-12km the hiking trail is posted going off to the right. There is a small parking lot with a hiking map.
The hiking trail is 4km long. Since it is not a circular route, you have to go back the same way. We pack our rucksacks and set off when the weather is nice (finally it's warm too).
The entire route leads over planks. The view changes constantly between trees, grasses, moors and lakes.
Da haben sich tatsächlich Menschen die Mühe gemacht, einen 4km langen Holzweg durch ansonsten unwegsames Gelände zu legen. Ab und zu gibt es Infotafeln über die hier wachsenden Pflanzen und die hier lebenden Tiere. Auf den angegebenen Fuchs, Wolf und Elch stoßen wir nicht, aber auf Ameisen, die gerade einen Baum zerlegen, auf Spechte, Frösche, Libellen, Spinnen und Eidechsen.
Unterwegs steht netterweise eine Bank, die wir für eine kurze Rast nutzen. Wir werden von Schmetterlingen umschwirrt.
Wir brauchen ungefähr 2 1/2 Stunden für Hin- und Rückweg, wobei wir auf dem Rückweg deutlich schneller sind, da wir nicht so oft stehen bleiben, um die Landschaft zu bewundern oder zu fotografieren.
Wir haben übrigens auf dem gesamten Spaziergang keinen einzigen Menschen getroffen.
Since the weather is so nice today, we decide to drive back to the lake and spend the rest of the day there. There are said to be several campsites in Kauksi. However, we miss the exit and turn at the next sign "campsite"from.
This is a forest area that is crossed by paths. At longer distances there are small spaces where the cars can be parked. Then the tents are unpacked and set up at one of the fire pits. Water comes from a pump, toilets are pit toilets.
The nice young lady at the driveway tells us to look at the square. If we don't like it, we get our money back. The price: € 3.20.
We like it and we stay! However, we do not drive to a fireplace, as these areas are not accessible, but instead stand in one of the parking spaces for the cars.
The weather has to be used - we unpack the grill and enjoy sitting outside. After dinner, of course, we have to go to the beach again. The water of the lake seems to have a reddish color.
The lake is so big that the other bank cannot be seen. The Russian border runs right through the lake.
The beach is sandy and there are also shells. You could almost think you were by the sea.