Fecamp / Etretat

Fecamp / Etretat

Es geht wieder zurück zur Küste nach Fecamp. Das Wetter ist immer noch nicht besser. Es ist zwar warm, sieht aber unfreundlich aus. Das hindert Florian nicht daran, ersten Kontakt mit dem Wasser aufzunehmen.

Die Steilküste ist imposant.

It went on to Etretat. Now it started to rain and it was getting cooler. We had planned to climb the rocks, but with the weather? After a moment's thought, we said to each other, who knows if the opportunity will come again. So dressed in rainproof clothes and off we went. Lo and behold - we weren't even up when it stopped raining again.

The strenuous climb was worth it with the view that was offered!

Via Le Havre we drove to Le Home shortly after Cabourg. Here we found a small campsite right by the sea. The place was not particularly nice and not particularly clean, but disproportionately expensive. (But I suspect that it was the prices for Germans).

Otherwise there were almost exclusively French people on the pitch and those we met were very nice. A young woman from Paris, who was on vacation with her daughter in a small tent, explained to me with little English, more French and above all with her hands that every morning at 8:00 a.m. a baker comes by with a wagon to be with Can buy baguette. When he comes he always says: ouit, ouit. She showed the gesture of pressing the horn.

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