Alaska Stellplätze

1. Tok
Three Bears Food Center
Free of charge, no supply
GPS N63 ° 20'05.92 "W142 ° 59'01.07"

2. Quartz Lake
Quartz Lake Campground
$ 15, toilets, water (not drinking water), no WiFi, no cell phone network
GPS N64 ° 11'53.11 "W145 ° 49'34.62"
3. Fairbanks
Walmart parking lot
without supplies, toilets at Walmart, WiFi
GPS N64 ° 51'28.9 "W147 ° 41'19.43"
4. Denali NP
Riley Creek Campground
26$, ohne Strom, kpl. Versorgung möglich, Dusche 4,50$ !!!
GPS N63°43'51.42" W148°53'52.41"
5. Vor Willow am Hwy #3
Parkplatz im Wald
keine Versorgung
GPS N61°58'14.22" W150°04'50.75"
6. Anchorage
Cabela’s Parkplatz
Dumping und Frischwasser
GPS N61°07’40.18“ W149°52’49.55“ 
7. Whittier
Camping Area (hinter dem Tunnel die 1. Straße links)
20$, Toiletten, kein Wifi
GPS N60°46’45.14“ W148°43’05.1“ 
8. Whittier
From Whittier about 7km behind the tunnel
No supply, no WiFi
GPS N60 ° 47'33.32 "W148 ° 54'01.37"
9. Glennallen
Northern Nights Campground & RV Park
27,-$, darin sind 2 Duschchips enthalten. Kpl. Versorgung möglich, WiFi
GPS N62°06’32.57“ W 145°29’14.17“ 
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