Wir fahren zunächst zur Steilküste bei Türisalu. An einem Parkplatz können wir halten und die Aussicht genießen. Ein wirklicher Genuss ist es allerdings nicht, da das Wetter immer noch sehr ungemütlich ist. Wir holen noch nicht einmal den Fotoapparat heraus, sondern sehen zu, dass wir wieder ins Trockene kommen.
Kurz darauf sind wir in Keila-Joa. Unser Ziel ist das Herrenhaus. (mõis = Herrenhaus, Gutshof, Manor). Erbaut 1830. Das Herrenhaus selbst wurde bereits renoviert, ebenso ein kleines Häuschen an der Einfahrt. (Gartenhaus, Laube?). Rings herum wird gebaggert.
We go back a little bit and turn towards the waterfall. It is only about 6m high, but 70m wide.
There is a small hiking trail here in the park that we want to follow. We find an information board and march off. On the way we come across other boards with information.
There is also an information sign right next to the bridge. We don't see another one, so we cross the bridge. We come to a fork in the road with no clues and choose the left and thus the wrong way. It becomes a beaten path and hardly passable. We turn around and now go in the opposite direction. On this way we approach the manor house from the other side.
Perhaps the hiking trail didn't even cross the bridge, but we didn't want to explore that anymore.
Wir fahren zu unserem nächsten Ziel - Saue. (Pärnasalu) Hier steht ein, im 16. Jh. erbauter, Gutshof, umgeben von einem großen Park. Da sich das Gutshaus anscheinend in Privatbesitz befindet, betreten wir den Park nicht und schauen es uns nur aus der Ferne an.
To the north there should be a campsite. The address turns out to be a main thoroughfare with large shops, gas stations and hotels. There is no campsite here, so it is probably an asphalt site next to a hotel. But we really don't want to spend the night here on the road and continue driving in the direction of our next destination.
We are slowly getting hungry and also no longer want to drive. Nowhere is a campsite in sight, but we find a parking and rest area with covered benches and tables, a playground and a barbecue area on a country road with little traffic. It looks inviting and we take the opportunity to make this our night quarters.
Around 7.30 p.m. we hear a strange rattle that we cannot assign. It stops and starts again. We look all around from the windows and lo and behold - we have visitors.