Wir fahren in Emden den
im Hafen an. Er liegt zentral und wir finden einen Platz mit Blick auf das Wasser.
and this is how it looks from the other side of the river ...
A few interesting ships are of course also here. The lightship was built in the Meyer shipyard as early as 1914-1918 and was in use for many years. Today it is a museum ship and a restaurant.
"Dat Otto Huus" beherbergt ebenfalls ein Museum. Aber eines in dem man lachen kann. Im Erdgeschoss wird vom Eierbecher bis zum T-Shirt -natürlich mit Otto-Motiven- alles angeboten.
We walk a bit through the pedestrian zone and then to the Pelzer houses, two Renaissance town houses that are over 400 years old.
We want to go out for dinner in the evening. We have chosen a restaurant with fish dishes, but on the way there it rains and we cut short and end up in the next steak house. Also delicious!