Aachen - autumn 2013
Our tour by bike and on foot should now be displayed as a map. However, we walked so much back and forth through the alleys and streets that the map would only be confusing. :-)
Our goal was to park outside the ring, maybe to catch a free parking space. We drive to the parking lot on Kurbrunnenstrasse. There is also a parking machine here, but it did not accept any money. It just fell through. So we write a note that the machine is defective and clip it to the windshield.
Since we are standing in front of the spa park, we will visit it first. The park was laid out at the end of the 18th century. It should contain thermal springs and listed buildings. Among other things, a pavilion from the 18th century.
We get on our bikes and drive towards
Marching Gate. It is the south gate of the Aachen city wall and has the considerable width of almost 24m. Start of construction 1257.
Als nächstes fahren wir zum Theater, das nicht weit entfernt ist. (Baubeginn 1822). Hier wirkte eine Zeit lang Herbert von Karajan.
Now it's off to the fish market. The narrow half-timbered house "
Golden rose"immediately catches the eye. On the left side there is a small niche with a figure. The house was built in 1656. It was rebuilt in 1954 as it had suffered severe war damage.
The fountain can also be seen at the fish market "
Fish poodle". The figure was erected in 1954. The original was melted down during World War II.
Der nächste Brunnen lässt nicht lange auf sich warten. Es handelt sich um den "
Türelüre-Lißje-Brunnen" in der Klappergasse/ Ecke Bendelstraße.
Am Ende der Klappergasse biegen wir links ab und stehen vor dem Denkmal "
Wehrhafter Schmied".
Back at the cathedral, we first go around it and stand in the Katschhof. That is at the other end of the square
Aachen City Hall. Built 1330-1349. It has been badly battered over the years. It had to withstand fires and wars and was also stormed and devastated. However, it was repeatedly rebuilt and repaired.
We cross the Katschhof and go to the front of the town hall. There is the oldest fountain in the city, the
Karlsbrunnen. (1620).
There is a huge crowd here in the market. Weddings are being held "on the assembly line" in the town hall.
We stroll on through the pretty alleys and end up in a place called Hof. Immediately the view falls on the remains of a portico. Unfortunately, the beautiful picture is spoiled by the ugly corrugated iron shack behind it. (It's a matter of taste, maybe someone will find this pretty too :-))
Auf unserem Weg kommen wir an zwei weiteren Brunnen vorbei. Zunächst am "
Hühnerdieb" auf dem Hühnermarkt, dann am
Puppenbrunnen, dem vermutlich interessantesten Aachener Brunnen.
When we came back on
but we finally want to arrive. Before Reinhard can still take photos, the "cathedral guard" holds up his hand and charges 1 € for taking photos.
The cathedral is fascinating. The middle hall over several floors looks almost a bit oriental with the columns and is beautiful.
Vom Münsterplatz (vor dem Dom) bis zum Elisengarten sind es nur ein paar Schritte. Zuerst fällt aber der nächste Brunnen "
Kreislauf des Geldes" ins Auge. Der Vater gibt seinem Kind Taschengeld, die Händler tauschen Ware gegen Geld und der Bettler hält die Hand auf, um Geld zu bekommen.
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When we first arrived at the cathedral, we parked our bikes there. Now we pick them up again, push them across the market and go to the
Pontstrasse. On the left you will find the university campus, on the right there are snack bars and restaurants. We buy sandwiches and coffee and enjoy a place in the sun.
That is at the top of Pontstrasse
Wir machen einen Abstecher zur Universitätsklinik. Sie soll mit dem Centre Pompidou verglichen werden, was das äußere Erscheinungsbild angeht.
Back in the city center we look for a free bank on the market square and watch the turmoil. Now I am discovering the other sights on the market. At the corner of Pontstrasse it says "
Löwenstein House". (1344). The two restaurants" Haus Einhorn "(around 1700) and the" Golden Swan "(19th century) are also on the market.
After 5 hours and about 14km on foot and by bike we are done. We drive back to our motorhome, which fortunately has no traffic ticket, and go to our next destination, Bad Münstereifel.