Húsavík / Goðafoss / Ásbyrgi

Húsavík / Goðafoss / Ásbyrgi

160 km

Wir verlassen diese hübsche Stadt, deren Ampeln das Rot in Herzform angezeigt. Über die Ringstraße 1 fahren wir ca. 50km und zweigen dann auf die 842 ab. Hier befindet sich der Goðafoss. (Götterwasserfall). Um ihm nahe zu kommen muss man allerdings erst einmal über Steine, die im Wasser liegen, balancieren.
Back on the ring road we drive a short distance and turn into the 845. (later it changes to 85). It leads us to Húsavík. Finding a parking space is a bit difficult. Everything is manned at the port and prohibition signs are in the supermarket parking lot. (I can understand too). We still find something in a side street. It is now shortly before noon. We go back to the main street where there is one whale watching company next to the other. We choose northsailing and we're lucky. There are still exactly 2 places available for the tour at 12.00 which we take. Prices are given in Euros. The trip costs € 58 per person.

In the harbor we wait for the ship, which is a few minutes late.
Die Leute, die jetzt mit dem Schiff ankommen haben alle ein Pokerface. Wir wissen also nicht, ob sie Wale gesehen haben.

Wir "entern" das Schiff und suchen uns alle einen Platz. Eine junge Frau stellt sich vor. Sie wird uns während der Tour (hoffentlich) auf Wale aufmerksam machen. Und zwar in "Flieger-Manier": Wale auf 3 Uhr. Die Unterweisung ist in Englisch, aber die junge Frau ist aus Deutschland, wir können also auch Deutsch mit ihr reden.

Zunächst genießen wir die Fahrt. Das Wetter wird immer besser und das Panorama ist sehenswert.

Wir sehen Papageientaucher und sogar eine Robbe.
And then there they are! We see small porpoises, several minke whales and a humpback whale.
Es ist gar nicht so leicht, die Wale zu fotografieren, da sie immer sehr schnell wieder abtauchen.
On the return trip of the 3-hour tour we are spoiled with cocoa and cake. The next passengers are already waiting in the port. Of course we all have our "poker face" on. :-)

We continue on the 85, initially in a northerly direction. On the way we see another large whale in a bay from the mobile home.

In Ásbyrgi we drive to the campsite and register at the visitor center. I also get an inexpensive hiking map straight away, in which a lot of "hiking trails" are drawn and described.

About the routes you can here to inform.

We choose 2 paths on the map that we can combine into one. For the way there to the end of the gorge we choose route A4, for the way back we choose A3. The distances are given as 4km and 3.5km. Just the thing for a late walk. One route is indicated as "easy", the other as "medium". But everything is flat and not exhausting.

The way there first leads us along a very narrow path along the lava wall.
Wait a minute - they're all blueberry bushes! But without blueberries. Only very rarely do we discover small, still green blueberries on a bush.
I keep wondering how nature manages to conquer terrain.
We reach the end of the lava wall and a while later a parking lot. From here a path leads to a small pond. We'll walk that little bit and take a short break there.

If you look at the next pictures in full screen mode, you will see a person in picture 2 on top of the wall. How did he get there?
On the way back, the path is wider and leads through a light forest. On the way we get the answer how to get up there.
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