Yukon Stellplätze

1. Simpson Lake
Simpson Lake Campground
8, - €, toilets, water (no drinking water), free firewood, no WiFi, no cell phone network
GPS N60 ° 40'41.74 "W129 ° 13'43.8"
2. Faro
John Connolly RV Park
14.67 €, full hook-up, free firewood, wifi at the visitor center, which is also the office of the square.
GPS N62 ° 13'51.5 "W133 ° 21'07.11"
3. Klondike Highway
Neben dem Highway am Stewart River
Keine Versorgung, kein Handynetz, kein WiFi
GPS N63°29’01.18“ W37°00’32.96“

4. Dawson City
Midnight Dome
No supply, no wifi, no cell phone network
GPS N64 ° 04'07.28 "W139 ° 23'36.06"
5. Dempster Hwy
Rock River Campground
8 €, toilets, otherwise no supply, no wifi, no cell phone network
GPS N66 ° 54'50.7 "W136 ° 21'25.17"
6. Inuvik
Happy Valley Territorial Park
15,76€, ohne Strom, kpl. Versorgung möglich
GPS N 68°21’37.64“ W133°44’14.04“

7. Dempster Hwy
Eagle Plains Campground
13,34€ ohne Strom, Versorgung möglich
8. Dawson City
RV Park
13,34€ ohne Strom, kpl. Versorgung möglich.
GPS N64°02’25.65“ W 139°24’20.2“ 

9. Beaver Creek
Behind Beaver Creek on a small lake
No supply, no WiFi, no cell phone network
GPS N62 ° 14'08.04 "W140 ° 40'52.82"
10. Whitehorse
Approx. 70km before Whitehorse on the Takhini River
No supply, no cell phone network
GPS N60 ° 45'20.77 "W136 ° 02'32.1"
11. Alaska Hwy #1
Zwischen Whitehorse und Watson Lake
Toiletten, Regenschutzhäuschen mit Tisch, Keine Versorgung
GPS N60°04’46.13“ W130°49’09.77“
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